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SpeechEasy是一种合成语音解决方案,可以让用户从文本生成高质量、易于理解的音频。它适用于各种设备和平台,支持桌面和移动设备,有近12种高质量的合成声音可供选择。 High quality voices for easy listening. Harnessing the power of AI and Machine learning we have created a simple and easy to use solution to convert text into audio. SpeechEasy™ lets you generate studio grade synthetic voices that make listening easy to understand and consume for on the go, at home or office.
吐司可免费在线生图的模型分享社区 AI model sharing platform, online run models to generate image and traning model for free. Your can upload and download models, include Checkpoint, Embedding, ControlNet, LoRA, Pony, LoCon, LyCORIS. Also we offer some base model like Stable Diffusion 1.5, SDXL and Hunyuan-DiT to generate.